Ever wonder what a day is like for those who make sure the fish and sea life stay healthy?
What does a day in the life behind-the scenes at the Shreveport Aquarium look like? It takes a team of talented people in the Animal Husbandry department to ensure the well being and survival of the sharks, jellyfish, stingrays and more. Everyday, the wildlife needs constant love, feeding and care. Even though the aquarium is currently closed due to the Coronavirus, the Planet Aqua Group team continue to do their best to keep the fish and more happy and healthy.

One of the tanks used in raising young sea life and getting them used to the aquarium.
A Typical Day…
Nathan Carpenter is the Curator of Live Exhibits and told us all about the care the animals receive. Aquarists begin their day at the Shreveport Aquarium around 6:30 am to look over everything: life support systems, filters and pumps. They also inspect all of the creatures to check on their health. Depending on the day, they have to clean the tanks or other maintenance before the doors open. Following that, some staff members clean out the filters. Others head to the kitchen to prepare all of the food for the sea life. Feedings usually take place in the afternoon until 4 o’clock. While walking through the aquarium, you might see a feeding of the sharks or even feed the stingrays yourself. At the end of the day, the hard working staff rechecks the life support systems and the animals.

The Animal Husbandry staff keeps all of the fish healthy.
How you can help during this time…
If you want to help support the continued efforts of the caretakers and staff, you can go on to their website and purchase a SEAson Pass. Choose from Individual or a Family of 4 Season Pass (with add on passes available). The Shreveport Aquarium closed due to concerns about the Coronavirus and will reopen as the threat subsides. A season pass purchased during this time will take effect on your first visit after the Shreveport Aquarium reopens. Registration for summer camps are open. The first camp starts on June 5, 2020 and the camps could be postponed or cancelled due to the length of the Coronavirus closure.