Cleanup Events

Trashy Tuesdays
Looking for something extra to do to help the environment? Join us for Trashy Tuesdays! Each Tuesday our Krewe goes out into the community surrounding our business to pick up trash. Who are these heroic protectors of our planet? A group of our dedicated staff members who understand that not only is litter unsightly, but it poses dangers to animals. After a rainfall, litter gets washed into the Red River and in just 4 days will make its way into the Gulf. Ocean animals are particularly vulnerable to the negative impacts of trash pollution by accidentally consuming it or becoming entangled in it.
2022: a whopping 2001 lbs of trash collected and disposed of properly
2021: nearly 490 lbs or trash collected and disposed of properly
Want to join us on our quest to keep our community clean and our waterways free of debris? Send us an email at conservation@shreveportaquarium.com or organize your own clean up Krewe, post photos and tag us at #trashytuesdaykrewe